About Orgone and our precious family company

Founded in 2003, Quebec Orgone quickly positioned itself as a leader in the field of orgone. Over the years, we have achieved a high level of mastery in the manufacture of orgone generators that remains to this day often copied, but never equaled. We develop a range of unique products such as advanced wellness tools as well as field orgonites. Recognized as a reference, we pursue our commitment to humanity with ambition and excellence, with the hope of continuing the vision of Don and Carol Ann Croft. With thousands of satisfied customers and countless lives transformed, Quebec Orgone is proud to offer products that are effective. They make a difference in your environment by transforming harmful energies into positive and beneficial energy fields.
Our mission is to contribute to the well-being and personal growth of everyone. To do so, we provide the resources and information necessary to enable interested parties to learn, understand and become aware of the issues surrounding them, individually and collectively. We believe in the need for technology in today’s world and the benefits of orgonites to better live with this electromagnetic radiation (EMF). That is why we are committed to informing and promoting our products. From humans to plants, everyone deserves to grow up surrounded by healthy energy.

In our workshop, your protection is as important as ours. We are therefore protected by a complete equipment when working with the resin because any resin emits toxic vapors in the liquid state. It is essential to have the appropriate protection items that meet the material safety data sheet of the product used. Our epoxy resin is non-toxic when it is dry to protect you from ambient negative ions and toxicity with your next powerful indoor orgonites.
We work tirelessly to offer you a shop full of diversified products always respecting the energy principles of the Orgone established since their origin. Our genuine stones, compressed in different metals by resin, offer you powerful and pure orgonites. As in the manufacture of computers, AAA quality quartz is at the heart of each of our orgonites to vibrate with their beautiful energy and fulfill their mission of operation. We surround them with stones chosen for their unique properties to create orgonites that will meet all your needs. The main purpose of our workshop is to manufacture by hand each etheric filter that transforms the ambient negative orgone (DOR) into positive orgone (POR).
The transformation of surrounding negative energies into positive vital energy has many tangible and observable effects, especially in terms of effects on cloud formations in the atmosphere (see Visible Effects section). People particularly sensitive to subtle energies or generally in harmony with their environment easily perceive a relaxing atmosphere and a feeling of calm and serenity in the presence of all our orgone generators.
All our available devices are handmade by us in an environment surrounded by nature, with a lot of love and seriousness. In 2003, we were the first to disseminate information on orgone in French and to offer orgone generators in Canada. In 2004, we were the first to offer orgone generators in epoxy resin and among the first sellers to offer orgone pyramids. We are proud of our pioneering position in the field and continue to innovate to offer the best products to our customers.
Thank you for choosing Quebec Orgone!

"When we work with our hands, we are artisans. When we work with the head, we are technicians. When we work from the heart, we are professionals."
- Bill O'Brien
ORGONE is the name given by Wilhelm Reich to life energy permeating everything. In some mystical traditions, orgone is also called "Ch'i", "Prana", "Ether", and ''Élan Vital" or "Fifth Element". This energy, in which reality is bathing and in which we are all evolving, can be encountered under various aspects. Mostly, two of them affect us directly:
#1 Positive Orgone Radiation (POR), this energy is alive and gives life.
The one we must spread.
A smile that comes back on the face of a stranger who seemed sad after having smiled at him.
The eyes of the children marvelled to go play in the summer when the beautiful cumulus clouds float in the sky.
Love in the eyes of two elderly people who walk holding hands.
Happiness is in the smallest things, like positive orgone.
#2 Dead Orgone Radiation (DOR)this energy is dead or stagnant.
The one we need to transmute.
Created though negative thoughts, ideas and actions, like judgments, lies, arrogance and violence.
All our electronical essential devices: television, microwave, Wi-Fi, router, cellphone, Bluetooth systems, high-tension power lines, chemtrails, etc.
Without electromagnetic frequencies (negative orgone), those things cannot function.
In today’s world, it would be crazy to say not to use at least some of these devices. That’s why orgonites are as essential as these devices.
WILHELM REICH did a lot of research on the various properties and behavior of orgone energy. In the '50s, Mr. Reich died in prison, after having seen his laboratory and his work burned and destroyed (in the United States, in the 1950s) by authorities, who feared the truth, accuracy, and power of his research. The term orgone was coined by Wilhelm Reich, who was the first serious and dedicated scientist to investigate the existence and properties of this life energy, leaving aside mysticism to focus on a primary scientific approach to the idea.
THE NAME ORGONE given by Reich comes from the words orgasm and organism. He believed that sexuality is essential to life and well-being. Indeed, reproduction is the basis of any system. A magnificent field of flowers is possible thanks to pollination, their mode of reproduction. Endangered species are protected to allow them to reproduce and repopulate their herd. For us humans, several techniques have been developed to enable those who have difficulty having children to live the great history of parenthood. Sexuality is an essential primary need, just as the energy of positive orgone is essential to propel the world towards light.
ORGONITE is obtained by mixing three basic ingredients: metal shavings, epoxy or polyester resin, and minerals (quartz and others). It is a simple technology, derived and inspired from Reich's work and improved by Don and Carol Ann Croft, which transmutes (purifies) DOR energy into POR. Lithotherapy is included in orgonites for giving them strategic functions. Their basic function remains to purify.
The resin’s long carbon-based molecular chains attract and capture DOR.
Metals, meanwhile, attract but also repel the energy of the orgone.
The energy reverberates repeatedly through pieces of metal and resin molecules.
By doing so, the energy is excited and its vibratory level rises, purifying it. The result is a piezoelectric effect.
Quartz is essential to increase this piezoelectric electricity because it is one of its natural capacities.
Quartz therefore increases the full effect of orgonite to purify more DOR energy into POR energy.
The added stones refer to lithotherapy. They give soul to the orgonite and special functions. We make orgonites for every place.
THE BEST EFFECTS OF ORGONITES for your body are to boost concentration, to stimulate the healing process, to protect against electromagnetic waves, to promote sleep, to stabilize mood, to restore vitality, to fight against headaches and migraines, to fight fatigue, to improve and give a better well-being.
EFFECTS ON NATURE are also present. The orgonite detoxify water and help your plants. With outdoor orgonites, you can protect all your house plot and repel chemtrails.
BEFORE the rise of mechanical doctrine a few hundred years ago (Newton and Co.), all traditions and religions spoke of the concept of an energy sea from which all material forms manifest. This same theme is found in Hinduism (prana), Buddhism, and Taoism (chi, Ki) in the traditions of the Far East. But the concept is also found in the West with the Greeks (ether).
Despite the absence of scientific laboratories willing to pursue research, even today, empirical evidence remains firmly rooted in the hearts of many of us.
Modern school does not teach the future generation the benefits of this energy.
On the other hand, we see a new upsurge in this old vision of the world that is vital energy. Indeed, natural techniques, such as reiki, are gaining more and more followers.
It is our duty to continue the work of our deceased models Don and Carol Ann Croft. The future generation will be able to live in harmony with nature through learning the vital energy, the principle that everything is connected. A better world opens before us by continuing the work of the pioneers of the precious domain of Orgone.
GO to the shop to select your beautiful orgonites! Welcome to the Quebec Orgone family 🤍

David Perroud, Ervin Laszlo - Les âmes du temps perdu (2022-roman) You will not emerge unscathed from this reading which is a pure marvel.
- Cassandria De Bellefeuille - Measuring Orgonite Processes (2004)
- Wilhelm Reich - The-Bions (1938)
- Wilhelm Reich - The Discovery of Orgone Volume 1 (1942)
- Wilhelm Reich - The Discovery of Orgone Volume 2 (1948)
- Wilhelm Reich - Cosmic Orgone Engineering (1954)
- Peter Robbins - Wilhelm Reich Orgone & UFOs (2011)
- Charles R. Kelly - What is Orgone Energy (1999)
- The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft